We are proud to live in a country that has been blessed by God for over 200 years. Thank you to every veteran who sacrificed years of their lives to ensure that Americans would continue to live free. We cannot take these blessings for granted! We look to God to continue to grant us the same liberty in the years to come, and to guide and direct our paths and freedom for the future. God, Bless America!

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Winter 2014

We are having a really different winter in the Blue Mountains this year. Normally we would be navigating the camp on our snowmobiles, and zipped up inside our warmest jackets.

Welcome to ABC | 541.566.2505

ABC Mountain Retreat in Northeastern Oregon offers you a place of beauty in a peaceful atmosphere. Our beautiful cabins, meeting facilities, RV sites and campsites in a unique Blue Mountain location are a

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Dear ABC Followers, Today is a quiet day. The weather is overcast and cool. Lots of snow up on top–and we have a couple of inches on the ground. We